Ready for our big news??? Get excited! We are!
Announcement #1:
Yep! Mama is cooking Baby Bass #2! Due in November. We are so thrilled. This little one has waved at us at both ultrasounds already. Heart. Melt.
We found out this week that he’s another little boy!
Please join us in praying for a healthy little one. And if you reallllly want to pray alongside us…pray for a baby who sleeps like a champ and is flexible with some inconsistency. I wonder what that would be like? Sigh. 😉
Ok time for Announcement #2:
No, it’s not twins…
You’re looking at it. It is kind of another baby, actually. My baby.
Meet Oh Yellow…
After chickening out over and over again for YEARS on end and after delaying any possibility of working from home due to our sweet, wonderful, perfect, sleep-hating, clingy, mama’s boy of a first child, I have finally started to pursue my dream of writing from home.
This blog will share a lot of our story. I’ll talk about how our life was turned upside down almost 2 years ago when God gave us a super unpredictable, challenging baby (and wonderful. I mentioned he’s wonderful, right? I promise I love my sweet boy.)
I’ll share some new parent tips and thoughts that we picked up along the way through A LOT of trial and error…and sometimes just error. But mostly, I’ll be sharing my life as a new mom. I still say new. Because I’m soooo still new at this. I’m learning one day at a time. And I’ll continue learning as we figure out what it looks like to have two.
If through sharing our story and some of the ways we survived (*ahem* I mean managed) along the way I can encourage just one struggling new mama or dada out there, then even our darkest days will seem worth it.
Follow along…
If you know me, love me, or even just kind of like me a little I’d really love for you to follow along with me on this journey. I’d be honored to have readers whom I also call friends. If you know a new parent out there who might get something from our experience, please share my blog with them.
You can follow along super easily by subscribing. I’ll send updates and little extras to your inbox.
Thank you for being a part of this with me. You’re the best.
Judy McGrath
Sign me up for your blog. So exciting! ?
Thank you, Judy! I will!