The Best Natural Teething Gel: SAFE and Soothing for Teething Babies
Wink Teething Gel Review
Teething remedies are one of the most underrated must-haves for new moms.
Because teething babies are SO pitiful. They are sad, hurting and don’t really understand why.
Not to mention the crying, crankiness and lack of sleep teething often causes.
Which then usually leads to crying, crankiness and lack of sleep for Mama too.
Don’t worry, this Wink Teething Gel Review is for YOU!
There is really no reason for families to suffer through the infant teething days alone because there are sooo many solutions to help baby teething.
So many, actually, that we have to be choosey…
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There are some great simple remedies we can try to soothe our little one’s pain (like a cold cloth on the gums, a teething ring, or good old fashioned distraction,) but at some point we need to bring out the big guns.
In the past, parents have used various over-the-counter products to numb their babies’ sore gums in a desperate attempt to find some relief.
From Orajel to homeopathic teething tablets, we are looking for SOMETHING to help our little one’s pain.
Those methods have actually been pretty effective…BUT…
did you know…
Most teething gel and other store-bought teething remedies are actually unsafe for babies and have been removed from most store shelves in the past few years?
Why are teething gels not recommended?
Check out this scary and eye-opening statement from the US Food and Drug Administration:
“The use of benzocaine gels, sprays, ointments, solutions, and lozenges for mouth and gum pain can lead to a serious—and sometimes fatal—condition called methemoglobinemia, in which the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells is greatly reduced.
That’s why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning parents and caregivers that benzocaine products should not be used to treat teething pain in infants or children.”
(You can read more on this here.)
Wow. I can’t believe we all have been giving this stuff to our babies all these years!
That means some of the most popular products for helping teething pain (like these) were actually causing more harm than good.
This also means that some of the most fast-acting pain relief for teething babies is no longer an option.
Bummer, right?
So what CAN I give my baby for teething pain???
We mamas NEED a natural teething gel without benzocaine or belladonna.
What is the best teething gel for babies?
Wink Teething Gel is a natural teething gel that does NOT contain dangerous ingredients like belladonna or benzocaine. It is the best baby teething gel out there because it’s safe and affordable.
Teething Relief You Can Feel Good About
Thankfully there really is A SAFE and wonderful option that WORKS and works FAST as a natural teething remedy for babies.
For a while now, I’ve been in love with this amazing small business called Wink Naturals.
They love creating safe products for families using natural ingredients.
I discovered Wink when tackling my oldest baby’s sleep problems and I was hooked.
This is a little company that consistently creates natural solutions to common problems that families with babies and toddlers face.
They actually care about the children using their products and their stuff works about a thousand times better than the more popular brands on the market.
So, 2 years ago, when I saw that Wink Naturals was coming out with a new, SAFE teething remedy I knew I had to try it.
And I’m thrilled that I did. A Wink teething gel? Yes please!
Now I can tell you with full confidence that there actually IS a safe option for instant teething relief to our babies.
And y’all…
This stuff is fantastic (and NOT full of chemicals!)
Wink Naturals Cool Gums Teething Gel 
Why I LOVE This NATURAL Teething Gel
So is Wink Naturals Teething Gel SAFE?
Here are the specs on this great natural teething remedy:
- Doctor recommended for infants
- Natural and clinically proven ingredients only
- 100% drug-free
- No Belladonna or Benzocaine (or Clove Oil or Lidocaine, or anything else potentially toxic and harmful to babies and children)
- No preservatives or unnecessary additives
My babies both went through super early teething. I had never heard of a baby teething at 3 months!
It was SO pitiful. Ugh.
So, I used the Wink teething gel on my own gums before applying it to my theirs (I feel like this is a good practice when trying new products on our tiny ones.)
It is suuuper gentle and has a nice, subtle minty taste.
My baby actually smiles when he sees me get it out. It’s precious.
Why it’s the BEST Natural Teething Remedy:
- A little goes a looonnng way
- It’s super gentle and numbs the gums instantly
- My baby LOVES it
- It’s natural and drug-free!
- It can be kept cold for even more teething relief
- There are countless raving Wink Naturals teething gel reviews from thankful, happy parents
This gel gently numbs the gums where applied and quickly relieves pain and swelling caused by those pesky tiny teeth pushing their way through.
And it does it with OUT those terrifying drugs mentioned above.
I seriously see such a big difference in my baby’s mood immediately after applying this natural teething gel. I just love it.
Before buying it, I read tons of reviews (like I always do) to make sure it was really worth my time, our money, and using on my baby’s mouth.
You can check out the hundreds of positive responses from happy parents here by clicking the reviews tab.
Wink teething gel can be used room temperature (perfect for keeping one tube in the diaper bag) or kept in the refrigerator for a cooling effect on Baby’s sore gums that’s really nice.
I recommend getting the 2 pack so you can use the cold option at home, but always have one on hand for emergencies while you’re out.
Possibly my favorite thing about this stuff (aka: the BEST baby teething gel ever) is that it seems to last forevvverrr.
It takes such a tiny amount to give teething relief to my little guy, so I’ve been able to use the same two tubes for BOTH of my teething babies.
Isn’t that nuts?
I never feel like this trustworthy little company is trying to rip me off. That’s huge for a mom looking for great products for her kiddos.
Wink teething gel is also a perfect toddler teething remedy.
As my toddler is starting to get his molars, having this teething gel on hand has been such a blessing.
It can even be used as a toddler training toothpaste which I find extremely cool.
The Best Natural Teething Remedy
Here is where you can read more about Wink teething gel and the amazing company who makes it.
You can also find it here on Amazon.
But you actually get a way better deal if you order from the company (I promise they’re legit.)
And they have a subscription option that gets you a discount and sends more right when you need it.
Go here and use this code for a discount: Ashley20
Anyway, it’s just awesome and I had to share.
If you’re looking for great natural products for your family, I really think you will love Wink Naturals.
Other Great Baby Teething Remedies
Aside from Wink teething gel, we’ve found a couple other items we love for help with baby teething pain.
I thought I’d mention them in case you’re looking for something for your baby to actually gnaw on.
I like to use these in the car or if my little guy is hanging out in the carrier while I work around the house (I think the snuggles bring some teething comfort too.)
Teething Toothbrush – This is GREAT for both teething and for training in toothbrushing.
My kiddos got their teeth so early that I wasn’t prepared for brushing.
Dentists actually recommend you start brushing Baby’s lil teeth as soon as they come through. I had no idea!
Thankfully, my mom had gotten us this as a gift and we were able to start practicing brushing while also soothing those pitiful irritated gums.
Teething Mittens -I think these are perfect for younger babies who aren’t really able to pick up toys that they drop.
The mitten straps gently onto your baby’s wrist so it can’t fall out of reach.
Instead of chewing on their fingers, Baby can nibble on the soft part of the glove and get better relief.
More Tips for New Moms
Best of luck to you and your teething baby!
I truly hope you both get a break very soon from the nightmare of teething.
If teething isn’t the root of your fussy problems and you’re still struggling with a clingy, whiney baby, check out my tips on how to get stuff done with a super clingy baby.
For more info on babies, life as a new mama, and pregnancy, follow me on Pinterest.