1. One thing I found to be extemley worthwhile in my first few weeks as a new mum was to carve out half an hour each week to do whatever i wanted. Whether that was to pop on a face mask and relax in the bath catch up on my favourite show or scroll through pinterest. it dosent sound like a lot but as you’ll know, when you have a tiny little human who requires constant attention.. it really is! I would always feel very refreshed after my half an hour and able to tackle the more tiring jobs more easily.

    • ashleybbass

      YES! Sophie, that’s so true. I’m realizing this more and more with my second baby. For me, I try to simply zone out while I cook dinner when hubby gets home. He takes the kids to play behind a closed door so I can have a little quiet. I pop open a coke and turn on Netflix while I cook and it makes a huge difference. One day I went out with a friend for 3 hours and I swear I came back a better mom, haha. Thanks for reading and commenting!

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